

What is Pentablock?

PENTABLOCK™ is a unique interlocking vertical construction block system with a Natural stone option. These blocks feature a patented design with a simple rebate joint and mortarless quick and easy construction process. PENTABLOCK™ creates pure vertical walling used for all applications in the construction industry including retaining walls, feature walls, domestic and commercial construction, swimming pools, fencing, and more. PENTABLOCK™ will soon take over from the traditional construction methods as its quicker, stronger and looks amazing with more than 15 natural stone options to choose from.

This innovative patented system is the output of years of research and design to create a revolutionary Dry Stack walling system. The PENTABLOCK™ system has many advantages over conventional block work, and other Dry Stack products, tilt panels and other walling systems.

One of the biggest advantages of the PENTABLOCK™ system is the productivity gains that are delivered to builders, installers and other trades with the addition of increased strength and capacity PENTABLOCK™ is the new way to construct

Primestone is the Western Australia Head Distributor for Pentablock products.

Vistit or contact Primestone now for more information on this New Revolutionary Product!